Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I have been so angry and disappointed. why there are that kind of people who are so disturb and trying to make trouble and hurting to someone's life?
As a human being, everyone have their right on their life, they have their right to choose their friends and so and so..
I am wondering why some kind of people, trying to talk bad to others behind of them?
Mother fucker @#$%&^^T%$@!@#$% these kind of people, really do not have proper family educate.
Well, "it" is not your lover, maybe just your admire. you do not have any relationship with "it" so none of your business that you need to know whole story what had happen. If you are "its" close friends, brothers, families, lovers, maybe you will have right to know, but if you are just a stranger, normal friend, simple friend... sorry please let this story to be over.

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